Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week 2: What it has done for me

Sunday fun day! How was your weekend? Did everyone celebrate their Valentine's Day this weekend or are you all waiting for the real deal on Monday?

After tonight, it will be officially two weeks completed of February-In-The-Raw and I must say it has been an experience so far. Here is what has happened to me throughout the past two weeks...

-My skin has taken a beating - my face has broken out almost as bad as it did when I was a teenager, but as long as all these toxin are getting out of my body whether through my face or however, so be it. Get them out!

-I have been an emotional roller coaster - I can't seem to be able to keep my emotions in check at all, one minute I'm happy-go-lucky the next I'm crying about something the Z man said or my chai tea latte not being warm enough. Needless to say, I've been a little temperamental.

-My workouts have been phenomenal - I haven't had workouts like the ones I've experienced these past two weeks ever! I can run my miles or do the elliptical and not feel like a walking zombie afterwards. I have so much more energy to workout, allowing myself to actually enjoy my workouts - even my long runs. I don't feel like I have to just sit and watch TV to zone out because I'm so physically and emotionally exhausted.

-I have so much energy - like I said, I've been able to do and enjoy my workouts because I have had so much more energy. I can run, do my yoga, and still go for an evening walk (just because I can not because I feel I have to).

-I don't feel bogged down, bloated after eating, or emotional towards food - raw food has a way of making me feel light and satisfied without feeling overly full. Feeling full would tend to make me feel anxious towards my food and body, as if I'd eaten too much (meaning I felt I would gain weight) but eating raw foods allows me to eat nutritionally dense foods in adequate and satisfying amounts keeping me sanity intact. (Plus who ever heard of gaining weight from eating too many greens anyways)

-I don't have cravings - like I said eating the raw foods makes me feel light while still being full and satisfied. Before I'd eat just what I thought I was supposed to eat and then I'd get cravings to eat cookies, candies, cakes, anything that I restricted (or not sometimes). But now I feel fulfilled with my meals I can actually turn down the cookies or french fries, and save them for when I truly want them.

I also would get cravings to binge (on anything) and to get that feeling of fullness (due to my typical restricting of food), but my meals are filled with such varieties of fruits and vegetables, fats and proteins, that I feel satisfied - meaning no cravings.

-I go to the bathroom a lot - This may be a little TMI but I have been going to the bathroom a LOT meaning I am removing built up toxins from within my body and allowing my digestive system to work the way it is supposed to. I feel lighter then ever (not in regards to my weight though, I have no idea what is has done for that nor am I concerned).

These are the things I have experiences and I am excited for what the next two weeks has in store. Hopefully a little more steadiness with the emotions and some calmness with the skin situation, but if not, I know this is doing great things for me so it is all worth it.

What has eating raw foods done for you? Have you felt any differences? What have experienced as far as side-effects, if any?