Sunday, February 6, 2011

A night of chili and football

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! I'm not sure if everyone grew up in the midwest surrounded by football or had 6'2 300lb D-lineman brother, but I did and I love football, meaning I love Super Bowl Sunday (it's usually my birthday too!). 

Tonight was spent in a very cooked fashion meaning, vegan chili with some cold beers, followed with some obscenities yelled at the television - and the Train - and sadly, very few laughs at the commercials (was it just me or were they particularly bad this year?). But don't worry, I went into tonight prepared. I had a giant green smoothie for breakfast and a giant salad loaded with greens and things. So, I did not lack in the raw department today. And to be honest, I needed a little chili to warm me up - or maybe that was the beers. Either way, I feel good. 

Anyways, I don't have much to write tonight, but I did want to prepare you all for what is to come your way tomorrow. Homemade Almond milk. 

Yes, you can stop throwing away $3.00 for a 16 oz box of this glorious drink and start making it yourself to throw into your smoothies, oats, and baked goods. I will warn you, it is somewhat of a time consuming process, but that is only because you need to soak your almonds at least 12 hours in the fridge. Otherwise, it's a few minutes in the blender and ta-da, rich, creamy, straight from the source almond milk. Not to mention, the things you can do with the left over almond pulp. But that is another post for another day. 

Did the Super Bowl turn out to your liking? Did you watch the Super Bowl? What's your favorite way to use almond (or any kind) milk?