Because of the fridged -10 degree temperature and feeling a little under the weather - pun intended - I decided I was in serious need of a soul enriching green smoothie. Give my body that extra pow it needs to fight off any ill whether it be due to stress, anxiety, or the cold. I've mentioned before in previous posts my love and appreciation of green smoothies, but I just can not tell you enough the liveliness I feel from giving my body all the nutrients from this power drink. It has changed my life.
You can play around with the green smoothie and alter it to your own tastes - maybe you don't like kale, that's fine, spinach are wonderful greens for smoothies. Today's smoothie consisted of 1 bunch of kale, 1 (large) orange, 1 (large) gala apple, 1 cup of almond milk, and 1 Nutiva protein powder packet to give it an extra boost of green power.
For those of you attempting to live a life will less animal products, almond milk is a great substitute to dairy. I use Pacific original organic almond milk - I think it tastes better than the unsweetened. Pacific is a pretty reputable and trustworthy brand.
After battling the elliptical trainer for an hour and sweating more than a cold drink in July, I was so beyond stir crazy from being stuck in the house for 2 days, I decided to risk the roads and take a trip to The Bucks. Starbucks to you who aren't delighted to be familiar with my lovely father - there's a little sarcasm in there for those of you who aren't catching that.
Lunch consisted of a green machine smoothie with another packet of Nutiva for extra umph, a soy chai tea latte, an orange that I forgot to photograph and lots and lots of work on the Macbook. You would be surprised how refreshing it can be to sit in a crowded room full of people with the aroma of coffee brewing unless you have been stuck indoors for 2 days. Oh society how dearly I missed thee.
After soaking in all the wonderfulness that is people watching and getting a second hand high off of the many pots of freshly brewed coffee, I roughed it back home to make my favorite treat, muffins. I have a very loving bond with muffins. They were the first pastry that I was able to allow myself to treat myself to without the feelings of guilt and anxiety. I'm not sure why the muffin was the miracle worker that it was, but it definitely was the key that opened the door to other wonderful pastry perfections.
Good Morning muffins: make 16 muffins
Dry Ingredients
1 1/2 c whole wheat pastry flower
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp flax seeds
1 tbsp cinnamon
1/2 tbsp nutmeg
Wet Ingredients
1 tbsp Red Mill all-natural egg replacer + 3 tbsp water
1 apple - chopped
1 banana - chopped
1 c organic apple sauce
1 tbsp vanilla
1/4 c organic grade B maple syrup
1/4 c brown sugar
1/4 c all-natural peanut butter
1/2 tbsp olive oil
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Begin by combining dry ingredients in a large bowl and wisk together to incorporate. In another bowl place all wet ingredients and stir together until everything is well combined. Slowly, 1/3 at a time, combine the dry ingredients with the wet. Do not over mix, just stir together enough to allow everything to come together. Once combined, using an ice cream scoop, place the muffin mix into pre-greased muffin tins. Bake for 12-15 minutes. Allow to cool. Enjoy!
These are perfect for breakfast, snack, or a treat. I enjoy my muffins best with a steamy cup of my favorite chai tea latte and either Jess Merritt, Liz Norton, Andi Ostrowski, or any one of my wonderful girl friends. The Train and I usually opt for chocolate if we're going to treat.
Tonight is date night with the Z man. It's Japanese/Mongolian night for us which means Legends of Asia, an all you can eat Japanese & Mongolian buffet - stay tuned, tomorrow could be rough, buffets and I usually do NOT get along, too much food eeks me out and usually is a trigger to binge. I've been good about talking this over with the Train - not a usual thing for me - and he is very good at "holding my hand" through the process to keep all the anxiety at a minimal otherwise I would be a wreck. Wish me luck!
How do you get through anxious situations?
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