Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ready for the world

A great day under the belt is all I needed to feel back on track. I feel rejuvenated, reenergized and ready to take on the world.

(This was taken during one of my trips to Hawaii. I thought it illustrated how I'm feeling)

The day didn't start off like any other day, well it did as far as my breakfast - big green smoothie with a heaping scoop of vegan protein powder -, but upon waking I vowed to be the creator of my emotions and the ruler of my disposition. My holistic counselor taught me that what we put out into the universe is what we receive, if I want happiness and love, I need to put out happiness and love. I decided on the word Positive as my emotion and state of being because I felt it blanketed all areas in my life both physical and emotional. Positive. Positive. Positive. I said it to myself three times and felt this radiant glow in my chest. I was putting my heart in charge.

I did start to feel a little anxious and slightly worried midmorning because soon (very soon) after my breakfast, I had hunger pangs. Usually the ED starts rattling off unrealistic and untruthful excuses to these early signs of hunger, but I refused to let it get in edgewise and soothed the pains with a half almond milk half almond cream chai tea latte. Super rich and creamy spiced tea hit the spot and held me over for my workout and during the hour it took to shower and get ready. ED 0, Burns 1. Positive. Positive. Positive.

Lunch was the last of my mexican red quinoa from the other day on top of kale, a mix of vegetables and greens. I added some chickpeas for a little extra protein. Something about eating raw kale that makes me feel so nurturing of myself, it is incredibly nutritious and one of the best greens to add to your diet. It's like taking a dose of health and longevity. Kale is great source of protein and essential nutrients such as omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, folate, calcium, vitamins A, D and K. I do recommend easing it in though, it can be a hard green to get your taste buds to get accustomed to.

After lunch, I was off to my first day of my new job. I'm currently working as a temp athletic trainer at a university here in Kansas City, but there is a great chance for me to get hired on for the full-time assistant position. I was a little hesitant to even take the temp position due to my not such positive experience at my previous position, but knowing that I am good at what I do (ED 0, Burns 100), I decided to give it another shot. And my am I glad I did. It was so refreshing and inspiring to be back in a positive work environment again - even with being sadly understaffed and very overworked. Took me back to my undergraduate days at Simpson. Today was great and I'm already looking forward to tomorrow. Positive. Positive. Positive.

I packed for a dinner out tonight al fresco, or more like al BarnsandNoble. The Train has graduate classes on Wednesday nights and isn't home until late, so I hit up the book store to do some research on a project I'm going to be starting in February. You'll have to stay tuned to see what it is.

After a few hours of diligent scouring of many different vegan raw cookbooks (oops! almost gave it away!) I packed it up to call it a night. I vowed to myself to make tomorrow just as great as today and to keep my heart in charge.

I am the creator of my own emotions and I am the ruler of my disposition.