Saturday, February 12, 2011

Making today great

Far too many of us will have a bad day whether that is through eating too much of something "bad", eating too much in general, or not eating much at all. Whatever your vice, we all have them and we all tend to have an all or nothing mentality - we've already done the damage we'd might as well keep rolling with it and "start over" tomorrow. (Sound familiar?) 

I know I have had far too many of these types of day and I always vow to myself that it's the last one or that I'll do better tomorrow. Unfortunately my vows tend to be short lived and those days still keep creeping in every once in a while. But no matter how down I get or how blue I might be feeling, I somehow always am able to look at tomorrow in a positive light. Even better, I've been really working hard on rather than waiting for tomorrow, I'm trying to take what is left of that day and make it great. 

My point is we all have difficult days and in a span of 24 hours can overdo it due to our emotions - or underdo it - but it's what we do with the rest of our 24 hours that are important. Contrary to (my) many's beliefs, we do not gain or lose a significant amount of weight in a day regardless of what we did within that day. 

In light of searching for a new home for the Train and I, trying to find what it is that I want to do with my life career wise, saving for our wedding, planning our wedding, school, a social life, a relationship, and blogging, I've been feeling a little stressed and slightly beaten. I've always been the type to have a plan, know where I'm going and what I want to do, and how I'm going to get there. But as of recent, my plans are basically nonexistent. This is driving the anxiety levels sky rocketing causing me to have emotional episodes that tend to cause me to take steps back in my soul searching journey.

But no matter how stressed, anxious, sad, or down I get, I know that I am making progress. With each step back, I'm making strides forward in my soul searching. 

Moral of the story, don't let one bad day turn into two, and even if you have a bad episode regardless of what it is, do what you can to change your situation then and there rather than beating yourself up and dumping the whole rest of the day, try making the rest of the day great!

**I apologize for being MIA recently, it's been somewhat a crazy couple of days. I'm actually working on a new blog site for all of you to enjoy. It'll still be the Soul Searching Vegan but with more to offer all you readers! Stay tuned! :-) 


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